Sunday, February 10, 2019

TESL 0140 - Assessment and Evaluation - Assignment #3: Self-Evaluation

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To continue the analogy from my post on learning goals at the beginning 
of this course - we have reached the finish line in the race! As we come 
to the end of this assessment and evaluation course it’s time to reflect on 
the learning goals I made at the beginning of this course.

During this course we have explored formative and summative evaluation, holistic and
analytic rubrics, self and peer evaluations, assessing productive and receptive tasks and 
many other forms of assessment at different learning levels. Let’s see if I have attained my
learning goals.

My first goal was to learn how to create practical, reliable, valid, and authentic 
assessments/ evaluations that create positive washback and to use them confidently. Do I 
feel confident in creating effective assessments? Yes and no. I feel like I just scratched the 
surface of assessment creation. I did all the formative unit assignments and have posted 
them to Padlet and the discussion boards. I also read all the readings and explored Twitter. 
The textbook readings were helpful for understanding evaluation practicality, reliability, validity
and authenticity. The course activities were helpful for trying my hand at creating assessments
and exploring the different terminology surrounding assessment. I feel like it came together 
for me in the last unit. Creating the adapted rubric for the Unit 4 padlet was when it clicked for
me and I gained confidence. This was a good warm-up for the final assignment of doing a
larger scale adaptation and assessment creation. As we wrap up this course I feel like I 
have so much more to learn and that I will need a lot more practice creating assessments 
to really evaluate my students with confidence. It’s all in the practice for me I think.

My second goal was to understand on a deep level the role, benefit, challenges and “big 
picture” of assessment and evaluation, to understand the pedagogy of assessment and 
evaluation.  Do I now understand assessment and evaluation pedagogy and the “big picture” 
of how to use it in the classroom? Well, I would say I definitely grew a lot but I have a lot to 
learn! I am very much a beginner student of language pedagogy and to really gain a deep 
understanding I think I would need much more study, perhaps it was a lofty goal. That said, 
I do think that I have gained an understanding of how and when to use the different kinds of 
assessment as well as some of the strengths and weakness of each. The whole idea of 
positive washback was new for me and really shifted my perspective. The studying and 
preparation that students put into preparing for the assessment contributes greatly to their 
learning. The feedback that they receive post-assessment also contributes to positive 
washback. Student reflect on their mistakes and gain confidence from a job well done.  Also 
my understanding of evaluation was broadened with discussion of alternative methods of 
assessment and evaluation. Assessing student learning can take many different forms and 
often result in more long term learning then a test could achieve.

My third goal was to be inspired to use creative and new ways of assessing and evaluating.
 To push myself to think “outside the test”. Was a inspired to try creative avenues of 
assessment? This is an area I think I could have pushed myself more in. I did collect some
ideas on my Twitter account ( eg.
for future reference however I wish I had collected some more. I would really like to learn 
more about PBLA and explore the creative resources on Tutela. For my final applied exercise
I choose to assess speaking and writing with a presentation style assignment. I think is more 
creative than say a test but I think I could have pushed myself a little more. I guess I was 
constrained by the lesson plan I was instructed to adapt but even within the category of
presentation I could have perhaps been more creative. Seeing examples of creativity in
the classroom is really how I see myself growing in this area. I think the most creatively 
inspiring thing for me was Amy Abe’s presentation entitled, “An Indigenous Strategy in the
ESL classroom” (see link in references). Her account of how she got her class involved in 
the community and out of the classroom was very inspiring for me. I hope to follow her lead 
when I have my own classroom. 

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I have enjoyed this assessment and evaluation course as I have found my perspective 
on classroom assessment has shifted into a more positive light. I now see that assessment 
is not just for the teachers but also for the benefit of the students. I think this had been the
biggest perspective change for me. I lot of my learning took place while doing the readings
and formative assessments and I benefited greatly from the learning of my peers in our 
online classroom discussion posts. As a grow and develop as a teacher I hope I will
gain confidence, deep understanding of language pedagogy and increasing creativity
in the area of assessment and evaluation. Thankful to be on this journey with such a
supportive, positive and hard working learning community!


Abe, A. (2017, June 15). An Indigenous Strategy in the ESL Classroom [Video].  
BC TEAL Webinars. Retrieved from

[Clipart of runner finishing race] (2015). Retrieved from:

Hollenbach, L. (2018, Feb 26). Tch Tips: Creative Assessment Strategies. Retrieved from:

[Picture of female runner] (2018). Retrieved from:

Samples of my work from this module:

Unit 1:
Needs assessment conceptual map:

Needs assessment for advanced learners:

Unit 2:
Comparing formative and summative assessment in the classroom context:

Unit 4:
Adapting a listening assessment rubric:

Final Assignment: Indigenous Art - Speaking and Writing Assessment Plan:

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