Wednesday, January 16, 2019

TESL 0140 - Assessment and Evaluation - Unit 1 - My Learning Plan and Needs Assessment

 Image result for at the finish line

A runner must keep the finish line in mind when they start their race. The 
pride of completion, the promise of a prize and the thrill of self-efficacy are
all rewards for a race well run. A wise runner makes a goal and is inspired
by it during the course of the race.
Like a runner I have made some personal learning goals with the end of 
the course in mind. By creating goals for myself I hope to remain focused
and intentional about what I learn on the subject of assessment and evaluation.
I have 3 goals I am striving to achieve in the span of this course:

1. To learn how to create practical, reliable, valid, and authentic assessments/ evaluations
 that create positive washback and to use them confidently.  
2. To understand on a deep level the role, benefit, challenges and “big picture” of assessment
 and evaluation, to understand the pedagogy of assessment and evaluation. 
3. To be inspired to use creative and new ways of assessing and evaluating. To push myself 
to think “outside the test”.

This is how I plan to achieve these goals:
Goal #1: To learn how to create practical, reliable, valid, and authentic assessments/
 evaluations that create positive washback and to use them confidently.
Learning  it: I will do the readings for this course and learn from my peers about the
mechanics and considerations of creating quality A&E. I will practice making A&E as 
part of the course. I will learn by looking at examples of A&E. I will seek out additional
resources from my PLN on Twitter.
Achieving it: I will know I have achieved my goal when I can knowledgeably integrate
effective assessment into a pre-existing lesson plan for my final assignment.
Demonstrating it: I will demonstrate that I can create and use high quality A&E in 
different contexts by completing “Assignment 4: Applied Exercise” thoughtfully and 
wisely answering the different scenarios that come up on our discussion boards.

Goal #2: To understand on a deep level the role, benefit, challenges and “big picture” of 
assessment and evaluation, to understand the pedagogy of assessment and evaluation.
Learning it: I will complete my course readings and reflect on my learning to gain a 
deeper understanding of A&E. I will also engage in conversation with my PLN to learn
from my peers and those who work in the field both in the class forums and on Twitter.
Achieving it: I will know I have achieved this goal when I can wisely consider the 
different factors and considerations in choosing and implementing A&E. I will be able to
select the most effective method of A&E in a given situation. I will understanding the
purpose and ultimate goal of A&E.
Demonstrating it: I will demonstrate my deep understanding of the pedagogy 
surrounding A&E by wisely choosing appropriate methods in different scenarios and 
identifying the strengths and pitfalls of each kinds of A&E in discussions with my PLN.

Goal #3: To be inspired to use creative and new ways of assessing and evaluating. To push 
myself to think “outside the test”.
Learning it: I will get inspired by my findings on Twitter which is a great source for 
creative teaching ideas. I will also find new ideas in my course readings and course 
content. I will study the role of the needs assessment which is a powerful way to 
understand how to tailor your A&E for your students learning outcomes.
Achieving it: I will know I have achieved this goal when I can think creatively and 
ultimately have my students success and learning in mind in choosing a form of A&E. 
I will be adventurous in choosing different ways of assessment even if they are “new” 
and perhaps require extra effort on my part.  
Demonstrating it: I will demonstrate my gathering of new and creative ideas by being 
adventuresome in my choice of A&E and thinking outside the tradition norms of 
classroom assessment. I will demonstrate my creativity by accurately assessing the 
needs of students and tailoring my evaluations using the new creative ideas I have 
found. I will collect ideas on my Twitter page which I can reference in the future. 


Brown, D. & Lee, H. (2015) Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to
Language Pedagogy. Upper Saddle River: Pearson

[Photograph of runner] (2018). Retrieved from

Here is the needs assessment I developed for this unit. It is designed for a 
classroom of advanced learners (CLB 9-12):  

Here is the conceptual map about needs assessments that I created: